Thurr was snow in Taiwan at the end of April! It was def just a bunch of blossoms (super gay, I know) but it was the closest thing I have seen to snow for the last year. Me and three other friends/classmates of mine went for a day trip to Miaoli to see us some blossoms falling offa dem trees. It was a pretty fun day trip and also a cold one :)
After taking the train to the Miaoli station we packed into a taxi for a ten minute ride to the area where that day might I add they started having celebrations. So that was luck. Also, it was a Sunday...which in Utah that is the perfect day to go out and explore since no one goes anywhere but in Taiwan it is opposite and actually Sunday is the day when everyone is out and about...... soooooo.....
But ya, basically, we just walked up and down the mountain and saw a bunch of scenery... it is vurry pretty and I shall be going back to Miaoli in a few weeks with my parents (although I am not positive where we are going to in relation to this spot.....)
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Matching shoes! |
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Stairs of death |
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He is a man tree. |
What else has been happening?
Hmmm, well in my 503 class we took one day and made a bunch of food from our country. America having no culture it was very interesting to try and decide what to make (especially since I have the cooking skills of a child). I decided on Monte Cristo sandwiches which turned out terrible BUT I got to eat everyone elses food...including: Mongolian Noodle dish, Indonesian Fried Chicken, Japanese egg dish and seaweed rich thing which I can't remember the name right now, French potato stuff, Vietnamese Spring Rolls, American Banana boat (made from Papaya)..... so needless to say it was a pretty good class that day.
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Mongolian nom noms |
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Murrican nom noms |
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Stuff I can't read. |
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French Noms. |
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Indonesian Nomz. |
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All of us taking pictures of the food. |
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Mine is the terrible one. |
It was also my birthday. I turned 21. Yay for me. My classmates gave meh a cake and I wished that I would quickly blow the candle out so that everyone would stop looking at me. I hate attention. I also ate some Xiao Longbao's for my birthday so that was a pretty awesome thang.
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Love dis food. |
There have been other birthday's in our class and eating cake is literally all that we do in our class anymore.
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Theresia's Birthday (technically yesterday) |
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Asuka's Birthday |
I have been hanging out with my friend Colin more also and he took me to yummy Vietnamese and Thai restaurants... they be good.
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Pho |
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Thai noms. |
Also, last Friday there was an activity at my school and some international kids made groups and they all made food and sold it. So that day i ate a bunch of stuff also O_o Mongolian, Indonesian, Japanese, French, Taiwanese, etc. Very good, very good.
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We are sick. |
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I am Vietnamese. |
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Erika |
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Food Festical--Oh, I spelled that right. |
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me being fat |
I have also, obviously, been hanging out with Ben all the time also because he is still kewl and it would be of gr8 help if you guys could recommend something I could give my friends and teachers here that have helped me so much in the past 10 months. A present.....sick minds.
Well, here are pictures... and let's just say that I have mixed feelings about coming home in a month. On one hand I am super excited to see my family and friends but on the other hand I will miss everyone here. I will also miss the food/beverages here. But I will not miss the humidity. So basically, I don't know what my emotions are at this moment. Anyways, see you in three weeks mah parents and we shall circle dis island, we shall.
Once again, I did not spell check this or double check anything. K, bye.
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me being sexy. |
-xoxo Gossip Girl