Friday, September 7, 2012

Where is Clint a.k.a 艾克林?

Hey Grrrls,

So I thought to myself that some people will be like, "oh cool, Clint is in Taiwan at some fun for him." But I am pretty sure that some of you may have no idea where Taiwan is (or what it is all about) or some of you- my family- would like to know exactly where I am in this great big world.

This is also a good way to add pictures to the blog since I still don't have WIFI and thus am unable to e-mail the pictures I have taken on my phone. Soooooooo here we go.

Let's start out BIG PICTURE style......

WOW! China is big...... well, I am not there. I am the little island on the bottom right of it.
ZOOM IN: I am that town right down thurr with the red cirle around it. (In the 3rd largest city in Taiwan)

ZOOM IN EVEN MORE: I live in the area with the big black circle around it.
LAST ZOOM FO REALZ: The night market in which I live.
 I currently preside in the Feng Chia Night Market which is claimed to be the largest night market in Taiwan. This is great news for many reasons. First, I literally never have to cook. Like, seriously, I can walk out my door from before sunrise to like 2 or 3 in the morning (depending how busy the night market is determines how long shops stay open) and just get whatever my little gay heart desires.Which, speaking of hearts, is one item I am able to purchase. Another reason why living in a huge night market is amazing is because of the clothes that are being sold all around me. These clothes are my style and cheap! Like I can buy pants for about 15 dollars American and, people, these are some good looking pants. The clothing here is also amazing for another reason.

The grammar mistakes made on clothing.

 Last year I saw a butt load of clothes that had misspellings (is that spelled right?) on them. Like this,
The amount of joy that this brings me literally cannot be measured.
Tonight, I saw some Calivn Kelin underwear that I am probably going to purchase some time in the future. So you better watch out for that.
So these are my two cents for why living in a market area is amazing. There are so many more but I will save that for another post.
Now you are all aware where I am living and now my posts can start becoming that hard-hitting news that everyone wants, such as:
-Why do I see more about American politics on Taiwanese TV than I do American TV?
-Why is it impossible to find a garbage can in Taiwan?
- How I am going to win the Taiwanese Lottery
   and lastly,
- Why does my Taiwanese debit card have NBA players on it?
So until next time friends and family.
Keep it real.



  1. Awesome post. I really think you need to get that shirt. I loved it last year when I saw it and I still love it. Glad you showed me where you are exactly at, because I had no idea:) Have a good one!!

  2. Ya, I thought you guys would like to know where your child flew off to for a year >< and I don't think that shirt is still for sale but I will look for it :D

  3. Yes look for it. It makes me smile!
