Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 聖誕節快樂

Merry Christmas Dawgz.
And Merry Christmas to me..... It seems as though my Christmas present (that I gave to myself) is a trip to the Philippines. Yes, yes. I think that this shall suffice. So I will def be here in exactly one month------Palawan, Philippines
Excited is the only word I can think of right now. Extremely excited. I shall be travelling with my German friend Verena :) yayayaya EXCITED.
Now I guess since I am writing a post I will also write something else. Like how peepz over here celebrate the Christmas holidays. And the answer is there is not a lot of celebrating.. at least not compared to America. Sure, there are a few parties and I actually had a fun party today with my classmates where we exchanged gifts ( I totally got Burt's Bees). But other than that there is not a ton of Christmas cheer. There are some christmas trees in malls and at my dorms and the areas such as (Miss South Carolina) but other than that it seems as though Christmas has not happened this year >< Oh and it is not freezing so that is also a big difference also. Also, there was no break from school today.. how sad for meh. hee hee but I don't mind.. Christmas is too happy anyways.
Well, I am probably going to go and buy an article of clothing for myself right now as another gift to myself and then call it a night and watch 'VEEP' hee hee.
So I wish you all a Merry Christmas :)
AACK! I almost forgot, we have also purchased bus tickets for Taipei on the 31st ... so New Years shall be grandddddd! :)
Bye e'erybody. I hope you all have a gr8 day.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Murry Chrusmas and a Happy Nur Yurr.

Merry Christmas from Taiwan.

It is literally cray cray that Christmas has already come. I cannot believe that I have been living here since the End of August and I am still loving every bit of it. The food, the people, the language, I love everything :) Next, even though I am not in Utah for Christmas please know that I still want presents ;) wiiiiiiiink. This post will also include New Years because let's be honest, I will in all probability not write a post before next year. Sooooo Happy 2013! This shall be my second year not being home whilst celebrating New Years (last year I was in Disneyland) but don't worry, I plan to celebrate it with a BANG. A lot of us are planning to go to Taipei to watch the Fireworks show (link below of 2012 show)..sooooo that'll be good times. Also, whoever reads this, you need to send me something on Facebook and/or leave a message on here telling me what you want to know about my Taiwan life. Like, do you want me to write a post on food, a post on the night market, TELL MEH! So (probably) until next year..... Merry Christmas and a Happy 2013!

Short, sweet and to the point this blog post is.



Monday, December 17, 2012

Guguan and other happenings. Mainly Gugaun.

 So this has become a monthly blog I guess...or whenever I feel like writing in it. I don't feel like writing in it now but I feel like I should. It will be short. Meh. It has been fun lately here. I have done a lot of stuff....starting a new semester, partying it up at KTV, having a Christmas party, going on a trip yesterday so fish could eat my feet.... it has been good. My Chinese is improving quite rapidly which is great because my English is slowly dying and I won't be able to speak it soon. I want to show pictures now and then I will explain what I have been doing for a month.
Taichung City Park

IDK how to flip dis.

Making Hakka Style Tea


Horrible Salty Licorice my friends parents brought from Finland

Taichung Park/Orange Hotel

His nose(?) is good luck

Help yourself Thai Food...so good.

About 2.50 Amurrican Dollars

Old Taichung Airport

Model in Airport

Sexy Person

My homedog

Christmas party

Christmas Tree at my college

Studying on the roof.....in December....shirtless.

My school is over there.

bamf bus driver

Basically a bunch of Piranhas eating my feet

Some classmates and I went on a trip to GuGuan Hot Springs

Ming Li's Birthday Party at KTV

Party at my teachers house

 So I am totes only going to talk about where I went yesterday because I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

Me and 3 other classmates of mine [Sanchir (Mongolia), Mari (Japan), Theresia (Indonesia)] decided that we were going to go to a place called Guguan Hot Springs located within the mountains of Taichung to have some fish eat our feet.

**Itinerary is as follows**

Sunday 6:45 a.m: I woke up and packed literally nothing for a day of traveling because I am literally the best at planning.

7:45: We all met up at McDonald's and boarded a bus that we would need to take to the very last stop... this would take 1 hour and 10 minutes... we were successful.

8:55: While getting off the bus I decided that I could not miss the opportunity to take a picture with the coolest bus driver ever.... picture located above.

9:02: We found the next bus stop where we needed to board another bus (you thought we had already arrived? ha!) We quickly found out that the bus that we needed to get on literally left two minutes ago and that the next one was in 48 minutes.... we died inside.

9:50: After watching the bus driver read a newspaper and eat his breakfast within the bus for about 15 minutes he finally drove 10 feet and let us board. We were starting our next trek... this time 2 and a half hours. The sunlight was blinding our eyes from within the bus.

12:20ish: We were the last to leave the bus, there were no other cars. Silence invaded my ears. I then realized just how loud living in the city is. I decided to become a poet.

12:40: Some fish were eating our feet. However, the flesh eating monsters must have had a taste for old, ripened flesh because they were attacking the older men without mercy.

1:10 (these are approximate times guys, deal with it): We got some popsicles (I chose Passion Fruit flavor) and proceeded to walk the grounds of the Hot Springs. I then knew at that point that I was going to teach all of you how to pronounce popsicle in Chinese.... bing bong.

1:45: After asking the Information desk about the map we attained they told us that there was literally nothing else where we were located and that to get to the quote-unquote baller stuff, that we would have to drive for about 5 hours--seeing as though the main road was being repaired from flood damage. We once again died inside.

1:47: We were hungry and parched... lunch was the best option.

1:57 (I realized my timing was off so....): After a 10 minute lunch since I don't have a sense of time, we began to walk towards the hiking trail we saw earlier in the day since, literally, there was nothing else.

2:20-3:45: Death by hiking

4:05: Shaking legs mixed with trying to stand still while using the bathroom is not a great combination. Sorry janitor.

4:20: We boarded the bus back to the other bus stop. We slept.

9:00: After much waiting and sitting and sleeping we made it back to Feng Chia University.

9:15: I bought a Christmas present... it was embarrassing. (Just trust me on this)

9:30: Started studying for my test that was the next day.

12:30: Slept.

This was my day and it was extremely fun :) I love Taiwan with a passion and Utah can suck it.

Talk to you in, let's just assume, a month.

Seacrest, OUT!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Friday Night= "Do you want to go to Tainan tomorrow?"

Saturday Morning ( EARLY morning)= On a bus to Tainan.
So, living in Taichung, we are very conveniently located in the center of Taiwan. This means that if we decide to go on a day trip somewhere that we can totally make that happen. So Saturday morning me and my friends got on a bus to Tainan to take in the sights....and take in the sights we did. ( I also practiced my Chinese for real life cray cray situations)
9:45- We arrived in Tainan after a two hour bus ride and were about to walk to the train station to get some tourist information when all of the sudden my friend realized she forgot her camera on the bus. Me, being the only one in my group able to speak Chinese, then had the daunting task of trying to understand people on the phone. >< I asked a bus driver of the same company we used where we should go and he showed us a phone number that we could call. Well, I called the company and told them what happened and, thank Jesus, I finally realized that my Chinese has improved A TON! I was able to understand everything they asked me without any problem. :) Well, long story short, we had to wait for an hour for the bus we just barely got off of to get back to Tainan but we just used that time to get tourist info... so no biggie.
After we got my friend's camera back we then headed off to a famous area in Tainan named Anping. While in the cab to Tainan I was talking to my cab driver asking where we should go and explore and he gave many suggestions to me....in a VERY thick Taiwanese accent. Needless to say, I stopped trying to chat. While in Tainan we all walked through the 'Old Street' which had a bunch of shops and food. It was exciting. We all bought some shtuff from this leather store that hand-made everything and so that was fun. After this we ate lunch and then separated. Verena and Martin went to the beach for the day while Magalie and I traveled through the city. So I will talk about what we did in the city :P
We first visited the rest of Anping and saw some Temples. They were all really beautiful and really close to each other. We also had the sugariest strawberry drink ever, it was....wow. We then got on a bus for an hour to the actual city of Tainan and got off at Art Street. We both really liked this area and just walked around the streets and saw all of the different cool thangggsss. Next, we walked about 15 minutes to a huge temple. I mean it was beautiful. It was probably my favorite area of the day. (Pictures Below) After this temple we were sitting at the front steps decided where to go next and decided on going to this area where there were a bunch of temples right by each other. Well, after about 3 minutes of looking at the map and trying to remember what road we were on and what direction we should go.....we found out it was LITERALLY right across the street. Like, it was the building right in front of our faces. I think this speaks highly of both of our sense of direction. Those temples were also very beautiful and I love the smell of incense so so so so much so it was perfect.
After that we met up with Verena and Martin again (after I explained to their taxi driver over the phone where to drop them off) and all decided to go to the "Flower Garden Night Market". We walked for quite a while and then finally made it.
**If you do not like the thought of crowds... please...stop... reading...now. **
Literally guys, this night market was in a parking lot and there were ( I am estimating) at least 3 million people there. You literally couldn't move. If you wanted to walk through the steady line of people you just had to push and shove because grrrrrrl no one was going to stop for you. But good news was that it was a cool night market and I had something very good to eat. (Pictures Below)
We then returned.
As you can see, I had a lot of energy at the beginning of that post but now I am tired. I know I am bad at writing blogs but I try and that is all that matters. I will just put pictures on now. Also, I am going to link a video that my friends made on the campus of our school because, once again, I have been too lazy to make one of my own. Soooooo enjoy that! :)
TTYL dawgz.
Old Street

Old Street Shop

Lunch at Old Street

Beans :/

Tainan City


Kewtness + Ocean

Art Street

Art Street

Cute Lady

Benjamin (in Taichung)

Taichung a.k.a where I live

Back to Tainan (IDK why it is out of order)