Sunday, October 28, 2012

Obligatory Gay Post

Well guys. Long time no write anything because I am so terribly lazy/busy (if that is possible). Once again, let me apologize in advance for my terrible grammar annnnnnnndddddd let's start.

The Taichung Jazz Festival is happening right now and it has been a total blast to have the opportunity to go to it the last few days. This festival is two-weeks long and they have bands from all over the world that join in the festivities. First off, let me just say that I am aware that I live in a crowded city but lemme tell you....going to this festival just reaffirmed this fact. Me and my friends decided to go to opening night of the Jazz Festival, which was on a Saturday, and it was basically like those 'Where's Waldo' pictures where it is literally just a giant crowd of people who do not know the definition of personal space. We also went two other nights to this festival. One night was this band from Italy which we kinda missed because we took too long to eat dinner, and then this Friday was a band from France.


Guys, I literally loved them. I mean, they were pretty attractive and to top it off they had this girl singing with them in a flapper dress. Needless to say it was pretty magical-ish. Here, just watch this video and it will explain everything

Taichung Jazz Festival

Friday was also really fun for another reason. At my Language Center they had a big Chinese Contest. Which by Chinese Contest I really mean it was a 'make the foreigners run around the University grounds to make foolz of dem-selves' Contest.' Honestly though, it was a really good time. What it was was a bunch of teams competing against each other in several different games that tested our Chinese abilities. For example, the first game our group tried out was the 'Chinese Tongue Twister' game. Yup, it sounds as hard as it was. My team was the best though. It was my classmates and I on one team and we decided to dress up as the 'Pink Pandas'. We were color coordinated and even had panda necklaces. Needless to say, we were the most stylish foreigners of them all. In the end we tied for 4th place and won some I would say running around all day in the heat was totally worth that 4th place spot.

Next, I want to talk about yesterday a.k.a Saturday.

Me and my other American friend Terri woke up early Saturday morning and caught a bus to Taipei for the weekend. After a 2 1/2 hour bus ride we were pumped and ready for what was about to go down. We next traveled by MRT to meet up Terri's friends and go to a tea shop in the Ximending area of Taipei. Let's just say it was well worth the traveling because 1- the tea was delicious (and sugary) and B- we were literally sitting on bench swings in an aquarium/fish bowl themed restaurant. I still don't think you understand so let me repeat that. We were in a FISH BOWL THEMED restaurant. The atmosphere was great and not in the least bit fishy (see what I did there..pun and sarcasm all wrapped up into one). Next, we ended up eating at a noodle shop nearby that was owned by yet another one of Terri's friends. I had a big bowl of noodles and pork with a cheese-like soup and it was very delish. Then came time for the real reason we were here in Taipei.

TAIPEI GAY PRIDE 2012: Marriage Revolution — Equal Rights to Marriage, Diversity in Partnership.”  China Post

It was really cool you guys. It was my 1st Gay Pride I had ever been to and let me just say that I was so happy that Taipei Pride got to be my first.When we arrived to the big area that was roped off we saw that it was just a bunch of stands, a stage, and a bunch of happy, carefree people that were just there to have a great time. It was so cool to just be able to see everyone join in on the fun no matter where they were from. I also learned that this gay pride was also special in that no roads were blocked off for the parade. Needless to say, it was an exciting day and I was so glad and proud that I could take part in it. They were mah people! After that we went and got Mexican food, as one does, and just explored and wandered the streets of Taipei for the rest of the night.

Oh, and our hostel was completely decked out with leopard print. Classy.

Now, I have arrived back in Taichung writing a blog post with my declining English skills and with a mind that has literally slept a combined 5 or 6 hours within the past 2 days. So, I am sorry if this post does not reach your high standards but it will just have to do for now.

2 wonderful months down and 7 amazing more to go!

It's been real.

Here are some pictures:
Jazz Festival on Friday

Da view
Italian Jazz Musician on Tuesday 10/23
French Band on Friday 10/26

Pink Pandas

Screaming Chinese Game

Water nomnomnom

We is so good

Woot woot, go us.

Japanese Style Noodle Bowl




French Dudez

Taiwan Flag

View of Taipei from our Leopard print Hostel

Monday, October 15, 2012



I am way too lazy and busy right now to deal wit dis. However, I know I have fans that love reading this (maybe?) and are just DYING to know stuff.

What is new??

Well, I am going to Yoga in like two hours so that is cool. I speak Mandarin like a bo$$ now too (not really). Midterms are right now and I am just living the good life.

So ya, that is all I am going to write. DEALZ WIT IT.


Here are some pictures :) So that makes up for it, right?

And I stole the first few pictures from my friend's if you see this Verena....Thanks ><

Hot Pot and what-not

Shilin Night Market in Taipei (We are the 3 white ones in the back)

Sitiing on the steps and on a bar in a crowded bus to Wulai

Heading to Tea Center

Sunset Dinner at Maokong

Advertising in Taiwan is baller.

New park in Taichung

Breakfast. Yummmmm

Athena and Logan

Sheng-Ai.... I did a Jenna Marbles face but I just look terrifying

Very simple skit I wrote because we forgot about it and needed to memorize it by the next morningggggg. Whoops.

Panorama at Wulai

Will do.

Are these a thing in America?

I live in da red circle.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Qingjing Farms & Taipei

 I am alive.


To make up for my long absence I am going to write an amazing post… AMAZING. Just wait. It is coming. Okay…..Now. I am just going to tell you guys about my weekend because it was the most interesting part of my week.


This Friday was the Chinese Language Center’s first Culture Trip and for this trip we went to a lovely place in the mountains of Taiwan called Qingjing Farms. Let me begin the story from the point I woke up. Beep, beep, beep, mehhhhhhhhh. That previous sentence translated into English is “6:11 in the morning is not an acceptable time for anyone to be starting their day, kill me now” (ya that sounded better). I got dressed, packed my backpack for the day and headed out the door preparing for a 2 hour-ish bus ride in the middle of Taiwan’s mountains. **2 hours-ish later** My bladder was on the verge of literally exploding within my body and I thought that I was going to have to tell the bus driver to stop and let me use the dense tropical rainforest as a bathroom. Luckily, we made it to Qingjing Farms in time and I was able to walk (not fully upright for fear of peeing my pants) to the bathroom. Now I was free to enjoy the day ahead of me.


Now let me just say that in Taiwan they do school trips a little differently than in America. You know, in America they would be like “oh, let’s all go as a group to all these different places.” Noooooope (Chuck Testa)… not in Taiwan. In Taiwan it is more like, “K, we drove you to the top of the mountain now you have about 6 hours to make it about halfway down the mountain and we will see you at the end of the day, byeeeeee.” Which, honestly, I prefer this way because then you can just hang out with the people that you want to hang out with…..just saying. So the people that I hung out with were as follows: Verena (Germany), Martin (Germany), Julian (Germany), Magalie (France), and Laura (Brazil)…. who are all awesome by the way.


Well, I don’t want to go into TOO big of detail so I will just let you know the basics of what happened at Qingjing. We made it there and took a ton of pictures at this castle. We then moved on and started walking down the mountain towards the meeting spot. Along the way we took many pictures with sheep, a windmill, wooden horses, and so on. Oh and also the cliché Asian jumping pictures that are the best ever. We also at one point stopped at a market area to get some lunch and within this market I was called a liar. Long story short, the lady wanted me to buy some medicine, I said I would come back later, she called me a liar and then spit in my face and kicked me in the leg…..just kidding about that last part. Still though, I love how you can just be yelled at for not buying something here, what I am trying to say is that people in America need to loosen up a bit……am I right?? What what! Yes, well that was basically our day at Qingjing. It was very beautiful and had amazing scenery. So we finally made it to the bottom and boarded our bus to drive an hour to a paper making factory.


At the halfway point we stopped at a roadside market where us foreigners were heckled at in Chinese to try and buy something. So me, being of white skin, just pretended that I could not understand. Works every time. We got back on the bus and drove another half hour to the paper making factory. This factory was cool. Like, not the most exciting thing that ever happened in my life but it was definitely interesting and I made an awesome picture there so what else could you ask for?? Then it was back to Taichung so that I could sleep……or not…. I was then invited to go Taipei over the weekend. “Of course I’ll go,” I said, “Of course I’ll wake up at 7:11 instead of sleeping in like I really, really want to.”


So the next morning I was off to Taipei. First stop, the Taipei Zoo….A.K.A the largest zoo in Asia. Ya, they weren’t lying. After walking the entire day yesterday, we were about to do it again. It was totally worth it though. We got to see a lot of cool animals and even though many of them were sleeping it was still a cool experience. Hmmmm, yup, I don’t have anything more to say about the zoo. You all know what a zoo is like. Well, after the zoo we took a little train within the zoo to the Maokong Gondola station where we proceeded to take a gondola to the top of the mountain. It was really beautiful and was a very clear day. Oh, and Magalie and Leila are both scared of heights so that was interesting. Well, we made it to the top where we walked some more and walked to the Tea Plantation Visitor Center. They had complementary tea and we sat and chatted for a while to let our legs rest. We also learned that the entire mountain was the tea plantation. So, basically, I want to live there. On our way back to the Gondola Station we stopped and ate at a café where we had bagels, waffles, and coffee and watched the sunset. It was amazing. After this, we headed back down the mountain, rode the MRT, and made it to our hostel which we reserved for the night. Well, we thought we reserved it. Apparently they aren’t into the whole “looking at the computer for reservations” thing so they just took us to a room. After about a five minute walk we arrived at a fancy hotel and walked in the back door. We took an elevator to the 3rd floor and then opened the door to a room that possibly once belonged to the hotel. Like really. It looked like a flat, ya know, where the bottom has a t.v. and couch and then you walk up the stairs to a bed. Wellllllllll, not anymore. Now it was a hostel room. It had a bunk bed at the bottom, a big bed at the top of the stairs, and it had items such as lotion and shampoo indicating that we were possibly just living in somebody’s room while they were gone for the weekend. But this is Taiwan, so it was alright. Well, we didn’t want to go to bed yet since it was still early so we headed out of our room. On our way to the elevator we were pleasantly surprised to see what we were fairly certain was a prostitute walking into the room next to us. Once again, it is Taiwan, so it was alright. We then headed out to the Shilin Night Market which is a famous Night Market in Taipei where we walked around and shopped!


After a long day we finally got to sleep. We were all also excited that the next day we were going to Wulai Hot Springs to relax and just sit for one day.


HA. Ya right. Why would we ever think that it was that easy?


Well, 9:01 a.m. comes around and we are all awoken by the sound of my alarm. I think I should just mention that “Let’s Have a Kiki” is my alarm music…yaaaaaa. We get ready and left. About three hours later we arrived at Wulai Hot Springs. It was so beautiful. We first walked through the streets of shops and then up the green mountains of Taipei. After about 40 minutes we saw an awesome waterfall and about 100 pictures later we moved on to the Visitor Center where I proceeded to ask the lady in Chinese how far it was to the next area. Well she told me, in super fast Chinese since she thought my Chinese was amazing T_T, that it was about an 80 minute walk. Well, taxi cab it was. 15 minutes later we made it up to the highest point of the Hot Springs and saw more waterfalls and beautiful scenery. After about 1 ½ hours we came back to the front of the gate where I called our taxi driver and we waited….for 40 minutes. After waiting that long I finally asked the lady at the booth to call our driver and she totally chewed him out. Needless to say, we had a taxi in about 3 minutes. Once again, it is Taiwan so it is okay. Finally, we thought that after another day of pure walking that we could finally relax. That was a funny thought. It was already pretty late and we needed to head back to Taichung. Also, it was as though you were paying for like 10 dollar bath soooooo none of us cared enough to pay. Back to the bus we went, then the MRT, and finally the main station where we found the fastest bus out of there (even though the tickets were more expensive).


Well, we soon found out why they were more expensive. If you want to travel in style in Taiwan you should probably take an ‘Aloha Bus’ because, people, it was ritzyyy. We all pretty much lost it when we found out that each of us had our own huge comfy chairs, game controller, and t.v.’s. We all lost it even more when we saw the massage remote in the armrest. This was the reaction of my friend Magalie when I showed her the massage controller….**thick French accent** … “No, are you serious? You’re kidding me.” It was priceless. About a 2 ½ hour drive later we finally arrived back in Taichung where I could soundly sleep.


Oh wait, just kidding. Totally had an 8:10 o’clock class the next morning. No sleep for you!


But once again, it is Taiwan!


I miss you all!


-Clint 艾克林
**The pictures are out of order and I am too lazy to fix it, this guy needs to sleep**

Wulai Hot Springs





Paper Making creation

The WiFi at our hostel

Cafe at Tea Plantation

View from Tea Plantation


Taipei Zoo

Taipei Zoo

View from Tea Plantation

Gondola...Leila (Finland) is scared

Butterfly Gardens at Zoo



Qing Jing w/ Magalie



Qingjing w/ Laura

Qingjing w/ Magalie and Verena